I follow several people on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram who like myself suffer depression, and this post is dedicated to them.
Depression is an ugly thing that effects way to many people (1 in 7 Australians will suffer depression) depression comes in many forms, but many depressed people (like myself) hide behind a mask, putting on a fake smile.
Depression is not always cured by simply taking anti-depressants and having everyone expect you to see the world like this
Effects of "ignorital" on Lisa Simpson |
Instead you should be out there talking to your friends, out there looking for the people in your life who are exhibiting signs of depression and asking them if they are ok
I'm not saying that if you see someone who is depressed that they will immediately jump to tell you how they are when you ask, as the above pic shows, I know personally I always want someone to notice but when they do I wish they hadn't.
But if you truly care for your friends or people you follow on social media you will keep on being there for them, keep on asking them if they are ok, and keep on offering them a shoulder to cry on when they need it. They might not take you up on your offer, but it will reinforce to them that yes there are people there who care for them even when they feel utterly alone
I know that no one reads this blog and I often wonder why I bother writing it at times, I mean after all who wants to know what is important to me? My aviation blog gets large numbers of people reading it, but my personal blog often seems pointless. But I will persist in writing it because I have a hope that one day a post like this will have an impact on someone and will stop someone from doing something stupid.

Before you give up, before you think to yourself the world would be better off without me - talk to someone, if you're friends with me on facebook chat with me, if you follow me on twitter DM me, if you only follow me on instagram then add me on twitter and chat with me, I know how you feel, I have depression stemming from a chronic illness, I just want to hide away by myself, I am utterly lonely and am stuck int he loop of shutting myself off by increasing my isolation, but I will always be there to chat with you when you want (during normal AEST hours) If you cant raise me or want to talk to someone else then please call one of these numbers and chat.
96five careline: 07 3831 1965
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Kids helpline (12-25): 1800 55 1800
Parentline: 1300 30 1300
New Zealand
Depression helpline: 0800 111 757
Lifeline: 0800 543 354
Samaritans: 0800 726 666
Youthline: 0800 376 633
*** Please note this post seems to be dropping most of the pictures when viewed using firefox - I can see them fine in IE & Chrome but not firefox***